Photo of Kevin Estes smiling and wearing a dark suit with a black tee shirt. Behind him is an out of focus wooden background.

Hello, I’m Kevin - a financial planner who helps tech professionals and their families live great lives.

Make yourself at home - we'll get to what supersavers miss in a moment.

But first - here are some links you may want to save for later.

How Are Restricted Stock Units Taxed?

Are My Assets in the Right Location?

Your Last Career Will Be Investor

Now, let's get on to the blog! 😀

Title: "What Supersavers Miss" in yellow on bottom. Photo of an old wooden door largely covered by ivy on a bright sunny day.

Finanial Independence

I love the Financial Independence (FI) community!

Retirement Optional

It’s more commonly know as “Financial Independence, Retire Early” - FIRE for short. However, many in the movement focus more on financial independence than retiring early!

Solving the money problem gives people flexibility to pursue their passions. I know many work optional people and they all do something:

  • take care of family members,

  • manage real estate,

  • run a blog or forum,

  • work part-time,

  • run a business,

  • volunteer,

  • organize events,

  • host meetups…

Personal Connection

My mom’s best friend from high school got involved in the Your Money Or Your Life (YMOYL) movement in the 1990s. It was the Financial Independence community before the term existed.

Researching even more ways to save when I worked at Amazon led me to Mr. Money Mustache’s blog and later The Mad FIentist’s podcast. It also connected me to the vibrant FI community.


  • participated in countless meetups,

  • attended retreats, and

  • spent hundreds of hours in the Facebook groups.

I was energized by our discussions and decided to change careers to become a financial planner.

However, I was a bit of an outsider in both worlds. I found myself:

  • defending the FI community in advisor meetings and

  • defending financial advisors at FI meetups!

Many Benefits

Financial Independece members learn a lot of valuable information! The importance of low fees, diversification, and saving are just three examples.

Members are highly intelligent, work hard, and live below their means.

They’re refreshingly willing - even eager - to buck conventional wisdom. FI folks jettison anything that doesn’t stand up to logic. The movement’s countercultural ethos supports unconventional lives!

Many community members have been investing for decades. They often have more first-hand experience (and larger balances) than similarly-aged financial advisors.


At times, members are uninformed. A blindspot can derail finances.


I sometimes see things like:

I don’t need a financial advisor. I max out my 401(k) and Health Savings Account.

Would that logic work for another profession?

I don’t need a dentist. I brush and floss.

Are you using the right toothbrush?

How do you remove plaque buildup?

How do you check for cavities?

What would you do with a cavity?

Do you need braces?

Would you give yourself a root canal?

Title: "I don't need a dentist. I brush and floss." Photo of a toothbrush and floss below it against a light green background.

This article explores opportunities often overlooked by supersavers.

No Formal Study

It’s impressive how much time people in the Financial Independence community spend optimizing their finances. However, it’s surprising how few of them formally study the subject.

Decisions are made based on third-hand sources such as:

  • a discussion

  • about an article

  • which reviewed a study.

Soundbites are retold - further distancing the information from its source.

Have you ever played the telephone game?

  • Statements morph.

  • Details are lost.

I’d encouarge anyone interested in personal finance to study it. Read Bill Bengen’s original article and The Trinity Study. Check out content created by Michael Kitces and other financial professionals.

The Certified Financial Planner™ coursework is wonderful. I started it in late 2019 because:

  • I was genuinely interested in learning more about personal finance,

  • a mentor convinced me my last career would be investor, and

  • I wanted to explore this as an encore career.

The program cost over $5,000. What I learned was worth more than that for my family’s finances - even without working in the profession.

The education helped me decenter. My experience is an n of 1. The CFP® education helped me analyze situations I hadn’t encountered.

Too Much

Cutting costs only goes so far. That’s why many people in the Financial Independence community work long hours or multiple jobs.

Working a lot may increase someone’s short-term income and beloved saving rate. However, it can be unhealthy or downright dangerous.

A career is more like a marathon than a sprint. Burning the candle at both ends can force someone into early retirement.

Breaks are crucial. Companies realize employees are healthier, happier, and more productive after they recharge.

Focus on the Known

Many people in the community view themselves as intelligent. They also like to be seen that way!

Unfortunately, that can cause them to focus on topics they already understand.

For instance:

  • Good fuel economy isn’t enough.

  • Learn how to hyper-mile!

What about insurance coverage or estate planning?

What we know won’t sink us. What we don’t know can.

Single Stock Exposure

Many in the FI community work at large tech companies. The sector has done well and driven up the value of stock from Restricted Stock Units (RSUs), Incentive Stock Options (ISOs), and Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPPs).

People often don’t sell it because:

  1. it’s done well and

  2. they don’t want to pay the tax.

Past Leaders

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Look at the tech leaders from a few decades ago. Do those acronyms still dominate their industries? GM, GE, IBM, AT&T…

(This isn’t a recommendation to buy or sell any of those companies.)


After Restricted Stock Units vest, they can be sold with little or no additional tax impact.

Also, the 15% long-term capital gains tax bracket is wide. It’s possible the only tax saved by waiting to sell would be the 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) for higher earners.

Doubling Down

It gets worse!

An employee might buy an index that includes their employer’s stock. They may inadvertently buy more!


A stock’s meteoric rise could build wealth yet fail to keep it.

Getting rich and staying wealthy are two different things.

Imbalanced Portfolio

Many supersavers own an interesting set of investments.

Single Stock

Their employer’s stock may have appreciated.

Lowering single stock exposure could be a step in the right direction.


A bigger imbalance may be caused by:

  • neither having a target

  • nor checking their current allocation!

Knowing is half the battle.

Fortunately, many people save into retirement funds. Those accounts can usually be rebalanced without an immediate tax impact.


Rebalancing is the first step. However, it needs to be done regularly.

People in the Financial Independence community are famous for their disciplined spending. Their portfolios could use more attention.

Insufficient Emergency Fund

Investing every dollar can be a mistake.

That may not leave enough for:

  • home repairs,

  • insurance deductibles, or

  • unique opportunities.

The psychology is also important. Even the wealthy can slip into a scarcity mindset without ready access to funds.

The opposite could be true. Someone might hold too much cash.

Asset Mislocation

Some investors have taken diversification too far.

Each account might be balanced! That can be very tax inefficient.

A portfolio needs to be diversified. Each account does not.

For instance, it could make sense to invest accounts which might never be taxed again more aggressively. Money which will be used soon may need to be invested conservatively.

Each account needs a purpose and timeline. Those factors drive its allocation. Just one investment might work!

Think of it like a symphony. Each musician plays one instrument at a time in harmony with the rest of the orchestra.

Diversifying each account is like hiring a bunch of one-man bands to play together. Chaos!

Annual Tax Focus

A retiree may have years of low income - especially if they retire early. The progressive tax system lends itself to tax planning.

Default Taxation

Without planning, someone might pay:

  • a high tax rate while working,

  • a low tax rate in early retirement, and

  • a high tax rate once they start Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs).

They may be able to minimize lifetime taxes by:

  • lowering income in high-income years and

  • raising it in low-income years.

Less Income

Many supersavers are already taking some of these steps!

Opportunities include:

  • pre-tax retirement plans,

  • Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and

  • Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs).

However, it may make sense for someone to contribute to a Roth or After-Tax account. They might forego the HSA contribution to benefit from a lower deductible health plan.

It may also make sense for someone to harvest tax gains. That could be especially helpful if they owe an Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).

More Income

It’s psychologically harder for someone to raise income in low-income years. However, it might be the right move!

Doing so could reduce future Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). Pre-tax distributions, Roth conversions, and part-time work are just three options to explore.

Higher Expenses
However, higher income could:

Cautionary Tale
An early retiree got the message that Roth conversions can help lower taxes. They converted a pre-tax account to a Roth account.

The problem? The account had a balance of about $500,000!

That unusually high income was nearly taxed at a very high rate. Fortunately, their advisor was able to educate their client and help reverse the massive Roth conversion.

Tax Penalties

Penalties are often avoidable.

Estimated Payments

Someone who owes when they file their return may also have to pay an underpayment penalty and interest.

They might want to make estimated tax payments once a quarter.

That’s especially common:

  • for self-employed individuals,

  • after the sale of appreciated assets, and

  • when too little tax is withheld for stock compensation.

The IRS has an online payment option. A taxpayer would need to validate their information, make a payment, and save the receipt.

Increase Withholding

If someone owes taxes with their return, they could increase their withholding. Spreading out the tax payment could ease the burden and avoid penalties.

They would update their Form W-4 to:

  • reduce the number of dependents,

  • make extra withholdings, or

  • both.

Non-Qualified Distributions

The government encourages long-term saving. That’s why there’s a penalty for withdrawing retirement funds before age 59.5.

Exceptions to the 10% penalty depend on the account type and situation. If no exception applies, it may be better to take out a loan.

Other account distributions may be penalized if not used as intended:

Real Estate Exemption

Real estate enjoys many tax benefits, including the ability to exclude a portion of the gain from a home sale.

The taxpayer(s) would need to own and live in the property for:

  • at least two (2)

  • of the last five (5) years.

The excluded gain can be up to:

  • $250,000 single and

  • $500,000 married, filing jointly.

The tax break may sway the decision to sell or rent after a move.

An owner might even do both by:

  • renting it for a few years

  • and moving back into the property before selling it.

Title: "Exclude up to $500,000 gain" on top. Photo of a craftsman home in front of some pine trees.

Home Receipts

Another opportunity takes little effort.

Saving home improvement receipts could:

  • increase depreciation expenses,

  • lower the taxable gain on a sale, or

  • both.

The home investments would either need to add value or extend its life. Save a copy digitally!

Title: "Save the receipts!" in the middle. Photo of a kitchen and dining room during renovation. There are tools on the floor and counter but no furniture. The hardwood floor is dusty. The wall outlets and face plates are missing.

Personal Real Estate

Many supersavers own investment real estate. However, they often don’t keep it in a business entity - such as an LLC.

That may be an unnecessary risk.

One highly intelligent individual said something like:

Since someone could pierce the corporate veil anyway, I might as well save the hassle and legal fees.

This isn’t legal advice. However, the topic came up at a conference.

An attorney on a panel mentioned that how a business is run matters. Running it as a business means doing things like:

  • keeping personal and business expenses separate,

  • using a business email and mailing address,

  • maintaining good books and records, etc.

Running it professionally may lower the risk of a lawsuit reaching the owner’s personal assets.

Why ride a motorcycle without a helmet?

Underperforming Real Estate

Many people love real estate. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always love them back.

Interesting Dynamics

There seems to be a selection bias toward real estate in the Financial Independence community. Those who bought real estate during the Great Recession - including my family - enjoyed a strong recovery.

Also, real estate is highly leveraged. A 20% downpayment is 5:1 at the time of purchase! Gains and losses are multiplied.

The wealthiest Americans own relatively little real estate. It falls as a percentage of net worth.

Cash Flow Negative

There’s more to investment real estate than the rent and mortgage:

  • vacancy,

  • repair & maintenance,

  • insurance,

  • property tax,

  • Home Owner Association (HOA) fees,

  • management fees, etc.

Many properties are cash flow negative. The owner has to feed the rental every month!


The fix could be as simple as charging market rent.

With a cash flow negative property, the owner is betting on appreciation. That feels more like speculating than investing.

Spousal IRA

Many married couples overlook a key opportunity.

If one spouse works and the other does not, the spouse without earned income could contribute to their own retirement account. Contributions may even lower the household’s taxable income!

Whether they can be deducted depends on:

  • the couple’s tax filing status (file jointly),

  • whether the spouse without income is covered by a workplace retirement plan (rare), and

  • how much the couple earns.

College Financial Aid

Many savers assume they won’t qualify for financial aid.

That may be a mistake!

Need Aid

Financial need aid depends more on income than assets.

Also, the Free Application for Student Aid® excludes:

  • retirement accounts,

  • home equity, and

  • other items.

Colleges and universities use their own processes to award financial aid. However, they’re required to post a Net Price Calculator (NPC) on their website as long as they participate in federal student aid programs.

The NPC results can be surprising:

  • Financial aid may be offered to higher income families, especially at expensive private schools.

  • An Ivy League school may be less expensive than an in-state public university for lower income families!

Consider filling out the Net Price Calculator carefully before applying. Save the results. It should give the family a good sense of the cost.

If not, the results could be grounds for an appeal to the college for professional judgment. That’s especially true if the student wouldn’t have applied without that NPC estimate.

Merit Aid

There’s another option for families who don’t receive financial aid.

A student may be a good candidate for merit aid if their statistics are in the top quartile (25%) for the school:

  • Grade Point Average (GPA) and

  • standardized test scores (PSAT, SAT, ACT).

Applying to target and safety schools can increase the odds of receiving merit aid packages. However, read the fine print! Many packages require a student to maintain a high GPA in college.

Title: "College Financial Aid" on top. Below it is a decision tree with "Need" on the left and "Merit" on the right. Below that is a mortar board and a diploma on a hardcover book.

Low Insurance Coverage

Some people save at all cost. Skimping on insurance is risky.

Auto Insurance

I’ve seen coverages like $10,000 and $50,000. Those may an order of magnitude too low!


People often think of their vehicle when they think of auto insurance. However, causing an injury or death could be devastating.

Insurance is for what can’t be replaced. It’s not for ongoing expenses.

Premium Savings

Many people haven’t shopped their insurance in years.

They may be able to increase their coverage limits and lower their premiums by:

  • shopping around,

  • increasing deductibles, and

  • paying in advance.

Some insurers offer big discounts for high deductibles and paying early! Whether those options make sense depends on their situation.

No Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance sits on top of other policies like home and auto. It’s designed to pay claims above other policy limits.

Umbrella generally requires higher limits on other insurance policies. Since it rarely pays claims, umbrella insurance can be quite affordable:

  • $1 million might only cost $200 a year.

  • $2 million might only cost $400 a year.

A general guideline is $1 million in umbrella insurance for every $1 million in net worth. Again, it depends on someone’s situation.

Life and Disability

Many people have too little life and disability insurance.

Young Families

Newer families are especially prone to underinsurance.

  • They may not understand the risk.

  • They might not have much cash for premiums.

  • However, their children could need decades of support.

Many employers offer affordable coverage. It may be as simple as clicking a box during open enrollment.


Another advisor tells a story about his neighbors. The husband earned a few hundred thousand dollars a year.

The father and his son were driving down the highway when a semi-truck jumped the median and collided with them. Both the father and son died at the scene.

Unfortunately, the husband didn’t have enough life insurance. His surviving wife and daughter were ruined financially.

The life insurance premium may have only been a fraction of the husband’s income.

Disability Insurance

Disability could be worse than death financially.

Someone might:

  • lose their income,

  • have significant medical expenses, and

  • require additional family support.

Many employers provide some disability insurance by default.

However, is it enough?

Mega Roth

Many employers added a benefit over the last few years.

Some employees missed the update.


Contributions to an after-tax 401(k) are made from income that’s already been taxed.

It works like a Roth 401(k) with three major differences:

  1. contributions generally don’t receive employer matching,

  2. it has a different contribution limit, and

  3. the investment growth may be taxed.

The after-tax limit for 2025 is $70,000 less other employee and employer contributions for the year.

Say an unmarried 35-year-old earns $200,000 between salary and bonus. They contribute the maximum $23,500 to their pre-tax 401(k). Their employer matches another $8,000.

The employee could contribute $38,500 in 2025 to their after-tax 401(k):

$70,000 - employee contribution - employer contribution = after-tax max

$70,000 - $23,500 - $8,000 = $38,500

Title: "Could Contribute $38,500 to After-Tax" on top. Below it is a table for 2025 with Total Deferral Limit $70,000 - Pre-Tax 401(k) Max $23,500 - Company Match $8,000 = After-Tax Max $38,500.

Mega Roth Steps

The after-tax plan may allow an employee to withdraw funds while still working for the employer. That’s called an in-service distribution.

The in-service feature may let them move contributions to a Roth 401(k) or IRA. The benefit of the extra move is to avoid tax on the growth.

Investment growth in an after-tax 401(k) is taxable. Therefore, it may be best to quickly move contributions to a Roth account.

Some custodians will automatically sweep after-tax contributions at the employee’s request. Setting that up may take a phone call to the custodian (Fidelity, Vanguard, etc.)

This process is called a few thiings, including Mega:

  • Roth,

  • Backdoor Roth, and

  • Two-Step Roth.

It’s a legal way to save more for retirement. Also, the funds might never be taxed again.

Roth accounts are especially helpful for heirs. If they inherit a pre-tax account, the withdrawals would be subject to income taxes. Withdrawals from a Roth account generally aren’t!

Someone may have already reached the limits on their:

  • Health Savings Account (HSA),

  • pre-tax 401(k), and

  • Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP).

Contributions to an after-tax account could make sense. However, it depends on many factors.

No Social Security

Some people assume Social Security will go bankrupt before they receive benefits.

I feel that’s unlikely.

Funding Status

The Social Security Act was passed in 1935 - 90 years ago!

The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund is forecasted to be depleted in 2033. That assumes no major changes to the program.

The income is then is expected to fund 79% of scheduled benefits.

The total income and cost were close in 2023:

  • income of $1.351 trillion and

  • cost of $1.392 trillion.

The projected depletion was extended a year in the 2024 report primarily due to growth in the economy.

Tax Rate Changes

The payroll tax both employees and employers pay for the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) has risen over time:

  • from 1% in 1937

  • to 6.2% since 1990.

Normal Retirement Age

Congress passed a law in 1983 to delay the normal - or full - retirement age from 65 to 67.

The law passed over 40 years ago and still hasn’t fully taken effect.

If history is a guide, Social Security benefit changes will likely be communicated well in advance.

Political Nightmare

Americans feel they have a right to benefit from the system they funded. Cutting benefits for retirees would be a political nightmare.

Assuming no Social Security benefits seems overly pessimistic to me.

Claiming Strategy

Knowing how Social Security works may help a couple decide who works when.

Also, it matters when someone starts taking benefits:

State Estate Tax

Few things are more certain than death and taxes. However, the combination is less clear!

What Is Estate Tax?

It’s basically a tax on those who - according to state and federal government - accumulated too much wealth by the end of their lives. The estate and/or inheritance tax is paid after death.

There are exemptions! However, the exemptions are subject to change and vary by state.

Current Federal Exemption

For 2025, the federal estate tax exemption is $13.99 million.

Married couples can double it with the Deceased Spouse Unused Exemption Amount.

A married couple can combine their exemptions to $27.98 million if conditions are met.

Past Exemptions and Rates

The federal exemption has grown quickly:

Also, the top-end federal estate tax rate has fallen:

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 raised the exemption to $11.18 million. The amount has grown with inflation.

However, the higher exemption only goes through the end of this year. It’s scheduled to fall back to $5 million plus inflation since 2011 at the start of 2026.

State Estate and Inheritance Taxes

As of 2024, 18 states had an estate tax, inheritance tax, or both.

Here in the Pacific Northwest, estate taxes start at:

High Tax Rate

In Washington, the highest estate tax rates are:

  • 40% federal plus

  • 20% state.

Those exclude probate fees.

Estate Minimization

There are many ways for someone to lower estate taxes, including:

  • contributing to a 529 plan,

  • withdrawing pre-tax retirement funds,

  • funding a trust,

  • giving to charity,

  • performing Roth conversions, and

  • using the Deceased Spouse Unused Exemption Amount.

It can help to plan ahead.

Step-Up in Basis

There’s an often overlooked estate benefit.

Someone who inherits a taxable account, real estate investment, or similar asset may receive a step-up in basis.

Say someone:

  • bought a home for $300,000

  • which grew in value to $1 million and

  • owned it the rest of their life.

An heir who receives the home would likely have their basis “stepped up” to $1 million. It’s as if they paid $1 million for the home.

Neither the heir nor the deceased paid tax on the $700,000 gain!

Someone nearing the end of their life might want to hold onto an appreciated asset. It depends on their situation and goals.

Title: "What's a step up in basis?" on top. Photo of rocky steps at the top of a mountain with sunlight streaming in from the side.

Charitable Giving

Many people are charitably inclined. However, giving cash is often a bad idea.

Appreciated Assets

Nonprofits don’t pay income taxes!

It hurts to see someone sell an asset which has risen in value only to give cash to charity. The taxpayer likely paid tax the nonprofit wouldn’t!

A donor could instead give the appreciated asset directly to charity.

Doing so could help the:

  • charity receive a larger donation,

  • donor avoid taxes, or

  • both!

Bunched Donations

Donations might not lower taxes.

A strategy called bunching could help.

Instead of giving every year, someone could give double one year and nothing the next. This process could grow itemized deductions and lower taxes.

Contributing to a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) could combine both of these techniques in a powerful way. A sizable contribution can be especially effective in a year with high income or just before retirement.

Pre-Tax Accounts

Distributions from a traditional retirement account typically cause income taxes for the year.

If someone’s planning to donate the account, it may make sense to spend other funds. Roth conversions likely wouldn’t make sense!

There’s even an opportunity to avoid taxes on Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). Someone could donate their RMDs directly to charity. Those are called Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs).

QCDs could have an even bigger effect. They may also lower the Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) for Medicare.

Hey, thanks for reading my post on what supersavers miss.

Just a reminder, I share a lot of resources that can help you.


In addition to the usual disclaimers, neither this post nor these images include any financial, tax, insurance, or legal advice.

Kevin Estes, CFP®, MBA | Founder | Scaled Finance

Kevin Estes is a financial planner helping tech professionals and their families live great lives.

He worked in T-Mobile Financial Planning & Analysis for nine years and has extensive experience with tech compensation and benefits. He received a certificate in financial planning from Boston University, passed the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ exam, and founded Scaled Financed in 2022.

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January 2025 Questions