What is T-Mobile’s 401(k) match?
T-Mobile matches employee 401(k) contributions:
100% on the first 3%
50% on the next 2%
If an employee contributes 5% of their pay, T-Mobile matches 4%.
T-Mobile 2025 Benefits Guide
What are T-Mobile’s 401(k) options?
T-Mobile supports three types of 401(k) contributions:
There are also three types of contributions:
regular - salary or hourly wage
bonus - monthly and annual bonuses, including commissions
match - the company match is currently pre-tax
What’s the maximum contribution?
Pre-Tax and Roth
According to the IRS, the 2025 maximum 401(k) contributions are:
$23,500 for the elective deferral
$7,500 for those age 50+
$5,250 for those age 60-63
Someone who’s 50 years old could contribute $31,000 across the pre-tax and Roth 401(k) options. Those 60-63 could contribute $36,250.
Up to $70,000 can be contributed to all defined contribution plans.
If the employee contributes $23,500 and T-Mobile matches $10,000, the employee could still contribute $36,500 to after-tax.
What are T-Mobile’s make-up or true-up contributions?
T-Mobile matches employee pre-tax and Roth contributions each paycheck.
An employee might reach the maximum early in the year. T-Mobile would have no contributions to match the rest of the year!
Without a make-up, employees who contribute more than 5% of their compensation would receive less than the 4% match.
Fortunately, T-Mobile makes them whole with a true-up contribution the following March.
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How much and how long can a T-Mobile 401(k) loan be?
By federal law, the biggest loan that can be taken from a 401(k) is the lesser of:
50% of the vested account balance and
A loan must generally be repaid within five (5) years unless used to buy a primary residence.
T-Mobile’s 401(k) plan allows loans of up to 15 years for the purchase of a primary residence. Fortunately, loans haven’t had to be paid in full upon termination from employment.
Hey, thanks for reading my summary of T-Mobile’s 401(k).
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Kevin Estes is a financial planner helping T-Mobile employees and their families live their best lives.
He worked in T-Mobile Financial Planning & Analysis for nine years. Kevin received a certificate in financial planning, passed the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ exam, and founded Scaled Financed in 2022.