What to do with $100k
What should I do with $100k? It depends. Five good options include: 1. protect yourself, 2. cut expenses, 3. invest in yourself, 4. make a major purchase, and 5. invest wisely. This article explores ideas for each option.

I Changed Jobs. Should I Roll Over My 401(k)?
I changed jobs. Should I roll over my 401(k)? It depends. There are potential benefits and cost of either rolling an old 401(k) into an IRA, rolling thee 401(k) into another 401(k), or keeping the 401(k).

Risk Capacity Matters More Than Risk Tolerance
Risk capacity matters more than risk tolerance. Someone’s ability to take risk depends on their financial circumstance. That’s their risk capacity. Risk tolerance depends on many factors and is more fluid.

Transactions in Retirement Accounts Aren’t Taxed… Yet
When something keeps coming up in conversations, I prioritize it for content! Some very intelligent, educated, and succesful people haven't been sure how investment changes within retirement accounts are taxed. Fortunately, investment changes don't usually have an immediate tax impact! Adjusting these accounts may be the best way to rebalance a portfolio.

Turn $200,000 into $13 Million?
Most people want to get rich NOW. That's now (usually) how wealth is built. Want to know the secret? Time.

What Are Large, Mid, and Small-Cap?
What are large, mid, and small cap? There’s a clear definition… in theory. Reality is messier.

Contribute to Pre-Tax or After-Tax?
Many people struggle to decide whether to contribute to a pre-tax account, after-tax account, or both. Both options may exist for plans like a 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), and Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA). The after-tax version is often a Roth plan.

Ignoring the Spousal IRA?
One of the most often overlooked opportunities is the spousal IRA. A spousal IRA is a traditional retirement account a spouse can contribute to despite earning little or no income. Contributing to a spousal IRA may help a couple lower their taxable income, reduce their taxes, and save for retirement.

Your Last Career Will Be Investor
When I was in high school, a mentor told me something that stuck: "No matter what you do, your last career will be investor." Three of the many reasons to learn how to invest include: 1. No one cares about your money as much as you. 2. You know yourself best. 3. It costs a lot to have someone manage investments.

Are My Assets in the Right Location?
I often see portfolios where every account is diversified! Such a portfolio is unnecessarily complex… and may not even be diversified although the investor thinks it is! For instance, someone with a heavy concentration of employer stock may own even more of it in their many target date, S&P 500, and sector funds!