My Goal? Help People Reach Financial Independence!

Photo of Kevin Estes smiling and wearing a dark suit with a black tee shirt. Behind him is an out of focus wooden background.

Hello, I’m Kevin - a financial planner who helps tech professionals and their families live great lives.

Make yourself at home - we’ll get to helping people become work optional in a moment.

But first - here are some links you may want to save for later.

What Is Financial Independence?

How Does a Couple Reach Financial Independence?

Will You Owe Estate Tax?

Now, let's get on to the vlog! 😀

My goal is to help as many people as possible reach financial independence.

If anyone chooses to work, it should be because they want to - not because they have to.


Before launching Scaled Finance, I invested months to develop a complimentary financial independence course.


Since launching, I’ve settled into a social media routine:

  • Mondays usually focus on images I create, which I hope you find insightful, inspirational, or both.

  • Wednesdays are generally financial education videos.

  • Fridays are normally polls.

I repost helpful content on other days.
Those reposts are sometimes articles which include quotes I provided the author.

Thank You!

Thank you all who’ve checked out and engaged with my posts!

I hope you like them.

Next Steps

I’m actively working to develop the content you suggest!

I also prioritize themes I see in working with financial planning clients.

Creating and sharing content is one way I save clients money.
My hope is that doing so helps others as well.

Please keep your great questions and suggestions coming!

Hey, thanks for learning more about my goal to help as many people as possible reach financial independence.

Just a reminder, I share a lot of resources that can help you.


In addition to the usual disclaimers, neither this post nor this image includes any financial, tax, or legal advice.

Kevin Estes, CFP®, MBA | Founder | Scaled Finance

Kevin Estes is a financial planner helping tech professionals and their families live great lives.

He worked in T-Mobile Financial Planning & Analysis for nine years and has extensive experience with tech compensation and benefits. He received a certificate in financial planning from Boston University, passed the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ exam, and founded Scaled Financed in 2022.

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