Big Takeaways from XYPN Live 2023!

Photo of Kevin Estes smiling and wearing a dark suit with a black tee shirt. Behind him is an out of focus wooden background.

Hello, I’m Kevin - a financial planner who helps tech professionals and their families live great lives.

Make yourself at home - we’ll get to my take on XYPN Live 2023 in a moment.

But first - here are some links you may want to save for later.

XYPN Live 2024

92% Prefer Remote or Hybrid

Where We Focus vs. What Sinks Us

Now, let's get on to the blog! 😀

Large conference room full of people watching a woman (Stephanie Bogan) and a man (Adam Cmejla) present on stage in the front of the room.

As a member of the XY Planning Network, I had the fortune to attend XYPN Live in Atlanta, Georgia last week.

Michael Kitces asked me about my big takeaways from the conference. They were all about mindset!

Biggest Takeaways

  • Stephanie Bogan’s challenge to think bigger

  • Michael Kitces’ closing keynote on scaling

  • Adam Cmejla’s perspectives on growth and automation

Funny Moments

  • A keynote presenter discounting the importance of "why" and then repeatedly referring to the network as "XPN"... without the Y!

  • Cecil Staton and Kyle Newell’s instant classic on Georgia and Florida football!

  • Alan Moore correcting someone about the spelling of his name on stage… and someone spoofing him in the Q&A chat as “Allen Moore”!

  • Zach Teutsch and Danika Waddell wearing matching plaid shirts the last night! #twinning

Met Some Influencers

I met many who were instrumental to me becoming a financial planner:

  • Alan Moore, Michael Kitces, and Maddy Roche opened the door to this world with their outstanding podcasts

  • Zach Teutsch was the first advisor to encourage me to launch my firm

  • Meg Bartelt shares innumerable insights about successfully launching and building a financial advisory

  • Andy Panko inspires me and hundreds of others to build communities

  • Valerie Rivera helps me set boundaries

Other Great Conversations

  • Mike Zung raising the efficiency bar

  • Jenn Steliga building the firm you envision

  • Holly Davis niching intentionally

  • Jason Howell learning from XY exhibitors

  • Maggie Klokkenga making meetings an experience

  • Patrick King committing to video

  • Daniel Kopp extraordinary impact

  • Jamie Clark systematizing everything

  • Brian Thorp website domain authority

  • Jay Zigmont launching an SEC registered firm

  • Joe Petry radical generosity

  • Lisa Eaton conference takeaways and marketing

Thank you all… and more!

Hey, thanks for reading my post about the XY Planning Network Live 2023 conference.

Just a reminder, I share a lot of resources that can help you.


In addition to the usual disclaimers, neither this post nor this image includes any financial, tax, or legal advice.

Kevin Estes, CFP®, MBA | Founder | Scaled Finance

Kevin Estes is a financial planner helping tech professionals and their families live great lives.

He worked in T-Mobile Financial Planning & Analysis for nine years and has extensive experience with tech compensation and benefits. He received a certificate in financial planning from Boston University, passed the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ exam, and founded Scaled Financed in 2022.

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