Big Takeaways from XYPN Live 2023!
Hello, I’m Kevin - a financial planner who helps tech professionals and their families live great lives.
Make yourself at home - we’ll get to my take on XYPN Live 2023 in a moment.
But first - here are some links you may want to save for later.
Where We Focus vs. What Sinks Us
Now, let's get on to the blog! 😀
As a member of the XY Planning Network, I had the fortune to attend XYPN Live in Atlanta, Georgia last week.
Michael Kitces asked me about my big takeaways from the conference. They were all about mindset!
Biggest Takeaways
Stephanie Bogan’s challenge to think bigger
Michael Kitces’ closing keynote on scaling
Adam Cmejla’s perspectives on growth and automation
Funny Moments
A keynote presenter discounting the importance of "why" and then repeatedly referring to the network as "XPN"... without the Y!
Cecil Staton and Kyle Newell’s instant classic on Georgia and Florida football!
Alan Moore correcting someone about the spelling of his name on stage… and someone spoofing him in the Q&A chat as “Allen Moore”!
Zach Teutsch and Danika Waddell wearing matching plaid shirts the last night! #twinning
Met Some Influencers
I met many who were instrumental to me becoming a financial planner:
Alan Moore, Michael Kitces, and Maddy Roche opened the door to this world with their outstanding podcasts
Zach Teutsch was the first advisor to encourage me to launch my firm
Meg Bartelt shares innumerable insights about successfully launching and building a financial advisory
Andy Panko inspires me and hundreds of others to build communities
Valerie Rivera helps me set boundaries
Other Great Conversations
Mike Zung raising the efficiency bar
Jenn Steliga building the firm you envision
Holly Davis niching intentionally
Jason Howell learning from XY exhibitors
Maggie Klokkenga making meetings an experience
Patrick King committing to video
Daniel Kopp extraordinary impact
Jamie Clark systematizing everything
Brian Thorp website domain authority
Jay Zigmont launching an SEC registered firm
Joe Petry radical generosity
Lisa Eaton conference takeaways and marketing
Thank you all… and more!
Hey, thanks for reading my post about the XY Planning Network Live 2023 conference.
Just a reminder, I share a lot of resources that can help you.
In addition to the usual disclaimers, neither this post nor this image includes any financial, tax, or legal advice.