What Worked in the Past May Not Work in the Future
Hello, I’m Kevin - a financial planner who helps tech professionals and their families live great lives.
Make yourself at home - we’ll get to what may need to change in a moment.
But first - here are some links you may want to save for later.
Where We Focus vs. What Sinks Us
Now, let's get on to the blog! 😀
Growth is required for future success.
Current of Change
For better or for worse, everything changes:
Companies grow or shrink
Finances expand or contract
People move into new personal or professional roles
Change is like a current.
Staying in place takes effort. Making progress takes even more.
New or New to You?
Most of life’s major changes occur daily:
Getting married
Buying a first home
Moving from individual contributor to manager
Becoming a parent
Transitioning from entrepreneur to CEO
Each change requires new skills, tools, and perspectives.
However, people have developed, built, and gained them!
Seek Experts
Find individuals who made it from where you are to where you want to go.
Seek their counsel. Ask for resources and reference materials.
Heed their warnings. Perhaps the biggest benefit of a mentor is that they can help you identify blind spots.
Hey, thanks for reading my post on what worked in the past may not work in the future.
Just a reminder, I share a lot of resources that can help you.
In addition to the usual disclaimers, neither this post nor this image includes any financial, tax, or legal advice.