What Financial Steps Might T-Mobile Employees Take in August?

Photo of Kevin Estes smiling and wearing a dark suit with a black tee shirt. Behind him is an out of focus wooden background.

Hello, I’m Kevin - a financial planner who helps tech professionals and their families live great lives.

Make yourself at home - we'll get to potential steps for August in a moment.

But first - here are some links you may want to save for later.

Schedule Your PTO ASAP

Are My Assets in the Right Location?

My Goal? Help People Reach Financial Independence!

Now, let's get on to the blog! 😀

Title: "August" on top. Background is a photo of a wheat field. Below that are check boxes for Shop for Back to School, Take summer vacation, Review investments, Submit dependent care reimbursements, and Check financial independence plan.

I hope you’re enjoying the summer Olympics!

August Financial Steps

Potential steps T-Mobile employees may take in August include:

  1. Shop for Back to School

  2. Take summer vacation

  3. Review investments

  4. Submit dependent care reimbursements

  5. Check financial independence plan

1. Shop for Back to School

For families with students, it can help to get a jump on Back to School.

Consider purchasing items on the school supply list as soon as they come out. It’s possible THE LIST has already been posted so be sure to check. Items can sell out quickly.

Buy new school clothes early. No-one wants to find out on the first day of school that a garment’s the wrong size!

Getting them early can prevent tears regardless of whether a family uses:

  • online shopping,

  • curbside pickup, or

  • store visits.

Title: "BACK TO SCHOOL" in white and yellow in the middle. Below it in yellow says "SHOP EARLY!" The background is a photo of a chalkboard with a bunch of scchool supplies - including pencils, crayons, compass, ruler, highlighters, push pens, etc.

2. Take Summer Vacation

There may still be time to take that last vacation!

If possible, take a break. A few days away or even a staycation can help everyone recharge.

For those of us on the West coast, taking vacation now could avoid fire season.

For more, check out:
Schedule Your PTO ASAP
Vacation + Disaster = Adventure

3. Review Investments

T-Mobile added a nice feature in February 2024. Instead of new stock grants vesting once a year, they now vest every six months.

That means employees have Restricted Stock Units vesting in August!

Now is a good time to plan what to do with those shares.

For more, check out:
What to Do with RSUs?
Hold Employer Stock?
How Are Restricted Stock Units Taxed?
Are My Assets in the Right Location?
Own Stock or Contribute to ESPP?

4. Submit Dependent Care Reimbursements

Camps are expensive!

When our daughter was little, a lot of our dependent care expenses came in the summer.

If you’re enrolled in the Dependent Care Flexible Savings Account (FSA), now might be a good time to submit for reimbursements.

Digital receipts can simplify the process.

Title: "Overnight camps generally don't qualify for dependent care FSA" in the middle. It's a photo of a bunch of sleeping bags on a shelf at an overnight camp.

5. Check Financial Independence Plan

Hasn’t summer been wonderful?

Has it helped you clarify your vision of the future?

Now might be a good time to revisit your long-term plans and forecasts!

For years, my family used a simple forecast for net worth and spending. Check out the complimentary financial independence course if you’re looking for a place to start.

For more, check out:

My Goal? Help People Reach Financial Independence!

What Is Financial Independence?

How Does a Couple Reach Financial Independence?

Hey, thanks for reading my post on potential financial steps a T-Mobile employee can take in August.

Just a reminder, I share a lot of resources that can help you.


In addition to the usual disclaimers, neither this post nor this image includes any financial, tax, or legal advice.

Kevin Estes, CFP®, MBA | Founder | Scaled Finance

Kevin Estes is a financial planner helping tech professionals and their families live great lives.

He worked in T-Mobile Financial Planning & Analysis for nine years and has extensive experience with tech compensation and benefits. He received a certificate in financial planning from Boston University, passed the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ exam, and founded Scaled Financed in 2022.

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