Photo of Kevin Estes smiling and wearing a dark suit with a black tee shirt. Behind him is an out of focus wooden background.

Hello, I’m Kevin - a financial planner who helps tech professionals and their families live great lives.

Make yourself at home - we’ll get to how to buy a vehicle in a moment.

But first - here are some links you may want to save for later.

Never Finance a Toy

Is All Debt Bad?

Shop Auto Insurance

Now, let's get on to the vlog! 😀

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A few people have recently asked me my thoughts on car buying.

It's also coming up on the 11th anniversary of when our family last purchased a vehicle.

1. Always Know Your Best Alternative

If you don't have one, get one!

Having two good options gives you leverage.

Knowing your best alternative also helps you know when to walk away.

2. Negotiate Financing as Well

Identify how else you could pay for the vehicle, including cash and other credit.

Have a backup lender, just in case.

3. Come Prepared

Know what the vehicle has been selling for in your area.

Have strong credit scores and cash positions for a down payment.

4. Take Care of Yourself

Don't let them literally wear you down!

Take breaks. Eat snacks. Leave if you need. 

You hold all the cards.

5. Get a Newspaper

That is, check out promotions in every form.

Try several media types.

Hey, thanks for learning more about how to buy a vehicle.

Just a reminder, I share a lot of resources that can help you.


In addition to the usual disclaimers, neither this post nor this video includes any financial, tax, or legal advice.

Kevin Estes, CFP®, MBA | Founder | Scaled Finance

Kevin Estes is a financial planner helping tech professionals and their families live great lives.

He worked in T-Mobile Financial Planning & Analysis for nine years and has extensive experience with tech compensation and benefits. He received a certificate in financial planning from Boston University, passed the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ exam, and founded Scaled Financed in 2022.

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