92% Prefer Remote or Hybrid
Hello, I’m Kevin - a financial planner who helps tech professionals and their families live great lives.
Make yourself at home - we’ll get to hybrid and remote work in a moment.
But first - here are some links you may want to save for later.
My Goal? Help People Reach Financial Independence!
What Is Financial Independence?
Now, let's get on to the blog! 😀
Recent Poll Results
The results of a recent LinkedIn poll were fascinating! 😲
What’s the best way to work?
32% Remote
60% Hybrid
8% In Person
0% Not sure
Hot Takes
No-one - 0 out of 119 voters - was uncertain about their response! (The survey ran for a week: 9/15-9/22/2023.)
These were the most responses I’ve received on a LinkedIn poll to date. This poll struck a nerve!
That only 8% of respondents felt in person was the best way to work floored me (no pun intended).
4x voted for remote than in person
7.5x voted for hybrid than in person
Who Responded
Some context may help:
A plurality of voters were T-Mobile employees.
The sample included essentially no front-line workers such as healthcare professionals or retail store employees.
The median title was manager.
Why the Response?
My hunch is that people like the following about working remotely:
Schedule flexibility
Cost savings
Additional time
Improved focus
Health benefits
Schedule Flexibility
People like the flexibility to:
let the contractor into their home,
drop off / pick up the kids from school,
let the dog out,
take out the trash…
Cost Savings
Different studies on the annual cost of commuting range from $3,000 to $9,000. Given the rise in automobile and fuel prices since the pandemic, it may be on the higher side.
Also, being forced to work from home taught many of us that previous estimates based on cost per mile may have been low.
For many families, it’s not just the cost of driving. It’s the cost of owning a second auto! 🚘
Additional Time
The average one-way commute in 2019 was 27.6 minutes.
Multiplying by two comes to nearly an hour getting to and from work each day. ⏱
Improved Focus
The office work environment can be distracting!
Coworkers often have questions they could answer themselves
Can I Google that for you?
Supervisors discuss opportunities before thinking them through.
Don’t get me started on meeting about meetings. 🤣
There’s a reason so many people wear oversized headsets that the office can look like a silent disco!
Health Benefits
There are also health benefits of working remotely:
Someone can reduce how much time they sit on their duff in traffic.
Tough meetings are easier to shake off with a chance to take a breathe.
Someone can do quick workouts throughout the day… which would be awkward in the office.
There are opportunities to pet the cat 😸 or go for a walk around the block to destress.
People Still Want In-Person Interaction
Nearly twice as many respondents preferred hybrid to remote.
Respondents appreciate connecting in person…
just not all the time!
For many, having some workdays that are social and others that are focused seems to strike a wonderful balance.
What’s Do You Think?
Do you have a different interpretation of these poll results?
If so, please let me know!
Hey, thanks for reading my post about remote and hybrid work.
Just a reminder, I share a lot of resources that can help you.
In addition to the usual disclaimers, neither this post nor this image includes any financial, tax, or legal advice.