Combining Finances is Like a Dimmer Switch
Combining finances can be hard!
Many people believe it’s either all or nothing.
However, that’s not the case!
Integrating finances is more like a dimmer switch than a binary light switch.
What Worked in the Past May Not Work in the Future
What worked in the past may not work in the future.
Change is like a current. Standing still takes effort. Making progress takes more.
Fortunately, most of life’s major changes happen every day!
Seek the counsel of those who have gone from where you are to where you want to go.
What Percent of Workers Max Social Security?
What percent of covered workers earn more than the Social Security maximum?
Only 6%!
It shocked me it was that low.
How about you?
Where We Focus vs. What Sinks Us
We tend to focus on what we know.
It’s specialization at its finest!
Unfortunately, this laser focus can create painful blind spots.